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Is a House Without a Basement More Likely to Flood?

Whether a house has a basement or is built on a slab doesn’t really affect whether or not it’s capable of flooding. Home flooding can occur in any area when the proper conditions are present. Homes with basements are more likely to flood when foundations were poorly constructed, maintained, or if old age is causing cracks and other failures. Homes on a slab can be subject to the same risk factors if the slab was not poured correctly, or if ground settling has resulted in cracks.

Typically, homes are built on slabs in areas of the country that have a more clay-like soil composition. Clay soil can hold onto water, not letting it drain as effectively as areas where there is more porous soil. In this case, flooding may be more likely to occur when heavy rain falls because the soil can retain the water and become oversaturated, allowing water to pool on top and run towards homes and other structures. This is how flash flooding happens, which can be dangerous for people and property.

Whether your home (or the home you’re looking to buy) has a basement or not, know what you would do in the case of a basement flood. Keep the number of a local home restoration company on hand in case you experience any home water issues that require an emergency response.

Additional information:
Home fire safety tips
Water restoration information
Is your home at risk for a flood?
Is there mold in your home right now?
Uncovering basement mold
Why does water come up through a basement floor?
Does your basement flood every time it rains? 
Who pays for flood damage?
Who can clean up Wauconda home water damage?