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How to Recover after a Home Fire

A home fire is one of the most devastating things that a homeowner can live through. Depending on the extent of the fire, the damage can range from pesky smoke damage to loss of property and life. But regardless of the damage, a home will never be the same after a fire without bringing in fire restoration experts. Fires of all sizes leave behind foul-smelling odors, damaged belongings, and water damage, which can lead to mold growth. Follow these helpful tips to recover after a home fire:

  1. Take Pictures

Before removing anything, take pictures of the home fire damage as well as whatever remains of destroyed belongings. Your insurance company may need this evidence to process your homeowner’s claim.

  1. Remove Burnt Belongings

Furniture, papers, and other belongings that were affected by the fire should be removed and appropriately disposed of to begin the process of odor removal. Wait to bring in replacements until the fire damage has been entirely cleaned up.

  1. Dry Out

Dry up any water damage to minimize lingering smells. Smoke odors are bad enough, avoid letting soggy items linger to create worse smells inside your home. Wet furniture, carpets, dry wall, and clothing are the primary culprits for mold growth. Removing these items minimizes the likelihood that mold will be able to flourish.

  1. Remove Odors

Don’t try to use household cleaning products to remove odors after a fire. These types of products just temporarily mask the odors and can actually lock bad smells in, making them much harder to remove afterwards. Instead, call a fire restoration company right away to remove lingering smoke odors. They’ll analyze which types of materials burned in the fire to determine which type of approach they should use for your specific needs. Their professional-grade smoke removal equipment and products will pull the smoke smell out of the various materials and surfaces in your home instead of just masking it.

  1. Get Back to Normal

Replace furniture, have valuables restored, and begin putting your home back together. Get your family back into a normal routine to put the trauma of the fire behind you. Remain cautious of the types of conditions that led to the fire in the first place. Replace any faulty wiring, unplug electric devices when not in use, and practice home fire safety best practices when cooking, engaging in hobbies, working in the garage, and doing other activities.

Additional resources:
Remove Fire Soot
Get Help Cleaning Up after a Fire
Professional Fire Restoration Services
Companies that do Fire Damage Clean Up
Fire Clean Up Advice from Home Restoration Experts
Who Can Clean Up Smoke Damage?
University Park Smoke Clean Up Services
How to Clean Up Soot and Smoke Smells
Getting Rid of Smoke Damage