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What is an Average Ceiling Drywall Repair Cost?

On average, ceiling drywall repair costs $40-60/square foot between parts and labor. The drywall itself is the cheapest part of the process, only costing about $1-3/square foot. However, the process of pulling down damaged drywall and erecting new drywall is a labor intensive process that requires the right skills and equipment to do it correctly. Therefore, the cost of labor to do the repair can be quite high. Sure, anyone can try to hang drywall themselves, but improperly hung drywall can be dangerous when it’s on your ceiling. Depending on the size of the room, if an entire ceiling needs to be pulled down and the dry wall replaced, it can cost upwards of $1,000 by the time the project is complete.

The ceiling details themselves will also determine the cost of the project. For instance, a textured ceiling may not be able to be patched if there’s damaged. Instead, it may need to be fully replaced to keep the same look across the entire ceiling. Similarly, vaulted ceilings or ceilings with crown molding will have added difficulty when doing repair work, which will drive up the overall project cost.

Additionally, when ceiling damage occurs, there is typically wall and flooring damage as well to clean up at the same time. If you are simply looking for ceiling repair after water damage, the cost will obviously be lower than needing broader water damage repair for your home or business.

If you need drywall ceiling repair, please give us a call! We do all sorts of commercial and residential water restoration work around the Chicago area. Our team is standing by today waiting for your call: 1 (800) 501-3046

Additional resources:
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